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Date and Its Switches

by Larry Ayers

At first glance the humble GNU utility date seems to be a very minor program, perhaps useful in shell-scripts but hardly something to get excited about. Type "date" at the prompt, press enter, and "Tue Feb 11 09:25:50 CST 1997" (or something similar) is displayed on your screen. As with so many unix-ish utilities, the bare command is really just a template, waiting to be laden with switches.

I keep a journal, and I've been using a header line for each entry with this format:

Tue 11 Feb 1997       *** Journal Entry #44 ***       9:30 PM

Weary of typing the header each day, some time ago I began attempts to automate it. Creating an abbreviation or macro for the center field is not hard with most editors, but I wanted the date and time as well. Reading the man page for date I discovered that it has numerous formatting switches. You can make the command print out the date and/or the time in just about any fashion you can think of. The first field of the above header can be created with these switches:

date '+%a %-d %b %Y'

while the time-of-day field uses these:

date '+%-I:%M %p'

The single quotes are essential when combining several of the switches. I tried for some time to get the command to do what I wanted without success; while rereading the man- page I eventually noticed the quotes. Of course no-one is going to memorize date's numerous switches, which is probably one reason the shell script was invented. I wrote two short scripts; the first, called mydate, is just:

date '+%a %-d %b %Y'

The second, called mytime is the similar but with the above time switches for date.

Typing the daily header in Emacs was now somewhat easier: first the command Control-u Esc-!; when prompted in the mini-buffer I'd type mydate and the formatted date would begin the line. Next a keyboard macro for the center "Journal Entry" field, then a command like the first to have the time inserted at the end of the line.

After performing this little keyboard ritual for a few days, it occurred to me that perhaps an Emacs macro could have a shell command embedded within it. Reading a few Info files confirmed this supposition and suggested yet another refinement. I learned that it's possible to cause a macro to pause for input and then resume! This would be just ideal for the journal entry number.

The sequence which I came up with was: Control-( to start recording the macro, then Control-u Esc-! followed (when prompted) by mydate. At this point I typed in some spaces, then *** Journal Entry #, followed by Control-u Control-x q to start a recursive edit; this pauses the macro and allows the entry number to be entered. Next is Esc Control-c which exits the recursive edit and lets the macro proceed. The macro is completed with some more spaces, then control-u Esc-!, the mytime shell-script command, and ends with two Enter keystrokes and two spaces, to indent the first sentence. Control-) stops the macro-recording. Whew! That's a lot harder to describe than to type.

This routine would be ridiculously esoteric if you had to remember it. Luckily in Emacs you only have to do it one time. Once you've constructed such a macro and tried it out to see if it does what you want, two more steps will record it in your ~/.emacs file so that it can be executed with a simple keystroke.

The first step is to give the macro a name, which can be anything. Esc-x name-last-kbd-macro, followed by Return, then the name and another Return, sets the name. At this point load your ~/.emacs file, move the cursor to where you want the macro definition, then type Esc-x insert-kbd-macro, followed by Return. There you go! As long as you keep your ~/.emacs file you'll have the macro available. Now you can type Esc-x [macroname] and it'll execute. If you've put a recursive edit in it, just remember to type Esc Control-c after you've inserted the text you need and the macro will conclude.

This may seem like a convoluted procedure, and it is, the first time you do it: haltingly typing in a macro, starting over from scratch after one mis-typed character, all the while frequently referring to the docs. Then repeating the process when it doesn't do what you wanted!

The second time you will probably remember about half of the commands, enough that it's no longer a tortuous task. Creating and saving macros using these techniques isn't an everyday task; I've found that I have to refresh my memory on at least part of the procedure every time I do it, but for repetitive editing tasks the time spent is amply repaid.

If you make very many of these you risk bloating your ~/.emacs file, causing the editor to load even more slowly and wasting memory. Typically these macros have a specific use, so it makes sense to keep them in categorised LISP files, one for each type of file you edit. Put each file in the directory where it will be used, and load them on demand with the command Esc-x load-file [filename].

So there is a reason the Emacs partisans like to call it an "extensible" editor. These macros are just the tip of the iceberg; over the years many LISP extensions to Emacs have been contributed to the free software community by programmers world-wide. Luckily some of the best of them tend to be incorporated into successive releases of Emacs and XEmacs; many others are available from the Emacs-Lisp Archive. Another good source for Emacs information is the Gnu Emacs and XEmacs Information and Links Site.

Larry Ayers<layers@vax2.rainis.net>
Last modified: Thu Feb 27 18:39:47 CST 1997

Copyright © 1997, Larry Ayers
Published in Issue 15 of the Linux Gazette, March 1997