Copyright © 1997 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.
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Table of Contents
July 1997 Issue #19
- The Front Page
- The MailBag
- More 2 Cent Tips
- News Bytes
- The Answer Guy, by James T. Dennis
- Adventures in Linux: A Redhat Newbie Boldly
Treks Onto the Internet Frontier, by A. Cliff Seruntine
- Atlanta Showcase Report, by Phil Hughes and
Todd M. Shrider
- Caldera OpenLinux, by Evan Leibovitch
- Clueless at the Prompt: A Column for
New Users, by Mike List
- Graphics Muse, by Michael J. Hammel
- Intranet Hallways Systems Based on Linux,
by Justin Seiferth
- Linux and Artificial Intelligence, by John
- Linux: For Programmers Only--NOT!, by
Mike List
- New Release Reviews, by Larry Ayers
- Single-User Booting Under Linux, by John
Gatewood Ham
- User Groups and Trade Shows: Lessons from the
Atlanta Linux Showcase, by Andrew Newton
- Using Python to Generate HTML Pages, by
Richie Bielak
- Using SAMBA to Mount Windows, by Jonathon
- The Back Page
The Answer Guy
The Weekend Mechanic will return next month.
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They are provided
strictly as a way to save the contents as one file for later printing in
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there is no guarantee of working links in the HTML version.
Got any great ideas for improvements! Send your
comments, criticisms, suggestions
and ideas.
This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,